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Jun 19, 2009

I'm back

It was a long long time I did not updated my blog, so sorry!
What am I want to blog?
Well, I just simply describe what I want to blog(s).

Several weeks ago there been held up a competition. I was one of the team leads by Chrysolite. What is it about? Let the expert said~ I mean the reporter...

Chrysolite and Gilbert are plan to participate this competition next year, and fully support by lecturer. How about me??? I still searching for the answer, ha ha, but truly, both of them are very tough, better than me.

I also enroll in a Java course organize by 3p and support by government. He he, here was the snapshot in the class. The one stand beside me was my trainer and the rest were my friends and colleagues. ~o~

I failed in the exam finally, ha =D! That all!!


心语 said...



eyong said...


piau piau said...

at least u try yr best d...
then u must b influenced by me lo..haha..im the lazy one..haha:P