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Sep 2, 2009

Panorama of behind the house

I created this panoramic view at the house that I rented. I made this for no reason, may be I was too boring. It combine several images to become a width single image.
I also create a movie clip that can use the mouse to scroll left and right which can be download here. Actually it's required to cover the top and the bottom but I didn't do that. =P. So the result can be view at below.

I also included the view of my school. =)
and the movie clip is at below.


I'm the lost sheep who do not know what to do next. I met a bottle neck and what should I do? Life, finance, study and so on. Sigh! I need a direction, who can show me? Feel like has gone astray. I want some guidance, some miracle that happen in life, please!