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Dec 29, 2008

Farewell 2008

Farewell 2008... ... A brand new year coming!  And a new semester will open tomorrow but my mood still in holiday *o* zZzZ. TO BE OR NOT TO BE, I have a retest few day later which I purposely to absent during the day of exam... It's a long story & I'm not going to explain so much =P. 

Yup, later will be a New Year and as usual, I'll go church for a mass not totally for celebration but also pray for all the good and peaceful in year 2009.

Also, a friend will leaving soon cause he has accepted a job which may be his 'iron rice bowl' in his entirely life (sound so seriuos). Wish him all the best. Yeah!!!

Ok, what should I do now? Study? Rest? Shopping? I was so blur now! Any idea? Need study but mood in holiday. Want to take a rest but I already rest so much. Wanna go shopping, but no money and feel alone if shop by myself.
Omg!!! What wrong with me? Do I in panic due to the retest? I think yes! I can't do other thing since I worried too much about my retest... ...
Hope the test not going to extend anymore since the staff of the faculty sitll not contact me for retest info. Alright, study, study, I want study now!

Oh, farewell 2008, farewell dan, but I'm not going to farewell with my retest yet! Bad*


samantha w said...

all the best for the retest! dun so panic ler.. ;)

eyong said...

Thank, ha ha! I still have few more day to study!!! 6_6